December 12, 2020

Cock-A-Hoop & Comedy Soup


"Cock-a-hoop" is a real word, that is not a joke.  Cock-a-hoop (käkəˈho͞op) is an adjective that is defined as, "extremely and obviously pleased, especially about a triumph or success."  For example which has been copy and pasted directly from Google is, "the team is cock-a-hoop at winning its first game of the season."  That is exactly how I feel when it comes to learning about Comedy through the series and under the direction of Judd Apatow (  Like drinking chicken soup, I feel good about taking this online class which has definitely opened my eyes about the world of comedy.  

A couple of years ago I dabbled in humor and created snarky material.  But I was never really serious about comedy.  Then I picked it back up with these "stay-at-home" orders and felt a rekindled passion with wanting to entertain through humor.  Now I am transforming this site which will include my comedy homework assignments by Judd's Comedy Master Class and I will be testing my new bi-polar, alter-ego material as it unfolds.  I don't know which ego will come out yet, but the one called Memphis has the country accent since she is from somewhere down south like Mexico.    

So you may want to follow me on Twitter, I post all my stuff on Twitter first...

it's quick and easy (wink-wink)  Did I mention my mom wants grandchildren?